One recent incident i have to tell you all involves my cousin. Now if you a female you have that one person who you tell everything, and well if your human you have that one person who doesn't know how to keep their mouth shut (usually the same fool) Well I told my cousin about a certa
in encounter i had with a mutual friend, what does she do tell my older cousin, her sister. Now this alone sounds pretty OK, but hear what happens next.Upon her next sighting of sed individual she says to him "Don't hug me you nasty, i heard you mess with my cousin"(Fu#*ing Bit$% Co%k Suc*&% ahh!!!)
He then calls me 30 seconds after thins encounter jokingly implying the situation, yeah no big deal to him (strutting around like a bull amongst 20 cows) I then call my younger cousin to whom i originally told, she lies as expected. Then finally reach my older cousin guess what she does. She goes into super defense mode, Yelling attitude the whole 9 yards, as if it were he business being discussed ha!.(This whore bag is lucky i wasn't around her when i found out *jungle roars*)In c
onclusion i shall never tell this very young immature girl anything her tiny mind cant handle, I say her mind couldn't handle it because obviously head was gonna explode from the massive amounts of info in her mind. So mine came out to make room for more gossip and nonsense.
Point to make her people, go old school grab a friggin journal and stop telling that loud mouth whats happening in your life. (I bet they say they wont but do it anyway)
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