Monday, August 10, 2009

In the beginning there was.."The Concept"

So after years and years of soul searching a.k.a totally slacking, I have found my groove Writing!, as well as designing managing and counseling for other areas talent. No college no training just my I know better attitude and people who are insane enough to trust me with their futures. I mean all we need is one shot anyways right ?(I've had 6). It has come to my attention that I... am an alien of some sort, i have to be i don't fit it, i just sort of conform into what people like without even knowing exactly what that is. Not to say i don't have a personality i do but its that of one from the planet bitchy, hey don't look at me like that you've been there your ass was probably my neighbor.

The concept on this renewal of blog came from me wanting to wrote a book. Fact #1 I love sex and the city, so in reading the original novel, i saw how she took her *Candace Bushnell situations and that of her friends and turned it into a
franchise. Now I'm not hoping for that, I'm just happy writing, and if you happen to enjoy reading about my Demented Fabulousity then enjoy.

Let me tell you how this will work i will be writing you to you all personally as if your m
y closest friends, not limiting anything but only censoring out the innocent (my wild and insane posse)the purple and parenthesis indicate a thought in my head(these poor fools have no idea what kind of insane world they've entered.)

The first order of business... Manage to go to 14th street every week and not get lost on Bleecker, a street full of boutiques and book shops. I meet with an associate of mine whom working on numerous projects with and it just so happened that on Saturday after our lunch meeting i took a wrong turn and was
completely turned around (ha that's funny that happened in an episode of SATC Carrie took a wrong turn and got robbed for her Manolo's, all i got is these old navy flip flops I'm safe :0))next think i know im strolling down a street with a Cynthia Rowley boutique two coach stores, and a frickin intermix!...FML signing off on that note wish me luck! (I better pray really hard cause these assholes are bound to wish badly on me)

About The Author
Hey, it's Nicole Smith, I am the creator of MissDOtell, and my new addition Fash. I am always looking for more talented writers, photographers, and make up artists, as well as graphic/web designers, models, and up and coming talent to feature on my site. So whether your a musician, fashion designer or all of thee above i have room for you. Any questions or comment feel free to contact me by clicking the contact tab. Your editor, Missdotell
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Kisa Zoea on August 10, 2009 at 6:47 PM said...

Loves the layout mami! & Keep doing you! Good Luck with everything!

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