#9 He's texting right in the middle of your story. Now unless your dating the president of the united states or a doctor, nothing is too important to wait, and if it is an emergency he would be leaving and no chuckling while texting back.
#8 Your date is constantly looking at his watch. I admit some guys nervously watch their clock throughout the night, but there is a difference between nervously watchin the clock and scamming a look at his watch to see if the game started or if his real date's time is slowly approaching.
#7 Your date never compliments you. Where the F#@$ is he from that he doesnt know you need a compliment, one thing ladies should never have to do is hint for him to say you look nice or i like your hair. Men are clueless but if he doesnt say it then this puppy needs alot of trainign and unless your up for the job throw back that martini and head for the hills.
#6 He just lets you talk all night long. if a guy is just letting you yap yap yap then he is either being too nice and not being honest woth you, or he's just not listening. If hes being too nice and not getting a word in then hes a punk and you if your a strong woman like myself need a man with a voice. If he's not listening you'll know because he'll get that glazed over look in his eyes, then men get when u tel then how bad you day was while the game is on.
#5 Your date is moving faster than you. If a guy is talking about kids marriage and weddings run liek hell because its great that he wants these things but whoa!.. let the woman handle the crazy please. Some of you might think im crazy but trust me when the shoe is on the other foot its not exactly exciting. If a man is gettign to know you and is in a hurry to wed, when will you get to know him? when u marry, move in, have a kid? I dont think so..
#4 NoManneritis. He has no manners. He chews with food in his mouth, he talks over you, he doesn't ask your opinion on things. He's not the one, unless once again you feel like training him which is fine if you have the time and patience. It is in my belief that the only thins you should have to teach a man is how you want to be loved by way of example.
#3 One Sided Jokes. Every five to ten seconds your date is making crude jokes that only he finds funny. Like when the waitress approaches and asks are you ready and he says back "Are YOU ready?" or "WOW i got two hote dates tonight the one im eating with and the one that serving it"..not funny, trust me ive heard it happen.
#2 Bedroom eyes. Ok so we all like aman who can give you one look and you know whats going to happen, but you dont want him giving you that look when while your eating or talking about something important to you. Also if he's touchy feely and your uncomfortable say something. The less you say the better he thinks his chances are.
#1 The Interviwer. *shreeeeek* AHH! The pressure to say the right thing, or else its of with your head is the worse. You could wind up havign sweaty palms so when he reaches for it he feels like he just slaped a fish..not good Questions like where do you see yourself in five years is a little to heavy for a first date and, so is what happened in your las realtionship. If you feel uncomfrotable answering say i dont care to discuss my previous relationships its over and i'd liek to move on. (no neck movement and figer snapping needed)
These are things i have gone through and listed in order of how long i could stand the guy. And the interviewers were always the first to go.
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