Thursday, April 23, 2009

Heidi Talks Fashion

Heidi's Quick interview with 944 Magazine 

944: What does fashion mean to you?
HEIDI KLUM: Fashion is about being inspired. It's a way to express yourself and take risks without being too serious or making too big of a commitment. Everyone has their own unique sense of style, and fashion allows you to recreate yourself every day if you choose to.

944: How has your opinion of fashion changed from your days on the runway to judging the designs on Project Runway?
HK: I appreciate construction and fabrics more than I used to. I also understand the time and talent it takes for designers to create silhouettes that really fit your body well and make you feel confident.

944: We hear you've found the "perfect one," and we don't mean Seal.
HK: Yes, I'm launching a new bra for Victoria's Secret called the Perfect One [out this month]. It's an appropriate name because it combines the technology of three bras in one for the perfect comfort, shape and support.

...Sigh Who wouldn't wanna walk in those shoes.. She's Lous!..(fabulous) ..learn the lingo
About The Author
Hey, it's Nicole Smith, I am the creator of MissDOtell, and my new addition Fash. I am always looking for more talented writers, photographers, and make up artists, as well as graphic/web designers, models, and up and coming talent to feature on my site. So whether your a musician, fashion designer or all of thee above i have room for you. Any questions or comment feel free to contact me by clicking the contact tab. Your editor, Missdotell
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